c/o St. Clare Friary
440 West 36th Street New York, N.Y. 10018-6326
Voice: 212.868.1847

 News Release           August 9, 2011                   News Release



Joint Conference 2011 of Black Catholic Religious Leaders

“A renewed commitment to defend the sacredness of Life”


“We will not waver in our determination to defend all human life”, stated
Father Anthony Bozeman, S.J. President of the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus and
Sister Roberta Fulton, S.S.M.N.,  President of the National  Black Sisters’ Conference. They called for their organizations to renew their commitment to defend all human life, at the
2011 Joint Conference of Black Catholic Religious Leaders held at the Greenbelt Marriott Hotel, Greenbelt, Maryland the week of July 25-30, 2011.  The National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus and the National Black Sisters’ Conference are founders of the National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life the Black Catholic Pro-Life Mission to the Black community
was established in 1997.


During the  historical 2011  Joint Conference Father James E. Goode, OFM,
President of the National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life along with NBCAL Board Members:
Dr. Beverly A. Carroll, USCCB: SCDC, Sr. Eva Regina Martin, SSF, Superior General of the Holy Family Sisters, and Father Glenn D. Parker, Consultant for the Southern Vice Province of the Redemptorist, and Monsignor Mauricio West, VG Diocese of Charlotte, presented buttons to the Joint Conference members  which read: 
“Life is our Mission”.  “Our African American and African brothers and sisters must receive the invitation from us to be missionaries for life in their churches, homes, and communities.

Together let us defend the sacredness of life
because every human life is loved and created by almighty God”, stated
Franciscan Father James E. Goode.

A limited number of the
African American Catholic “Life is our Mission”
buttons are available by contacting the
National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life:

Please gather in your archdiocese/diocese on Saturday October 1, 2011, for the
14th Annual National Black Catholic Vigil for Life 2011 on the eve of Respect Life Sunday.

14th Annual National Black Catholic Vigil for Life 2011



The National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life was inaugurated in the fall of 1997, with the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus and the
Franciscan Solid Ground Ministry as sponsors and with the support of the
late John Cardinal O'Connor, then Archbishop of New York and the Archdiocesan Office of Black Ministry - Brother Tyrone A. Davis, CFC, Executive Director.  Since then, NBCAL Affiliates
have been established throughout the United States.



NBCAL Board of Consultants


Most Rev. J. Terry Steib, S.V.D., DD Episcopal Advisor,
 Rev. Fr. James E. Goode, OFM, Ph.D President - NBCAL, Dr. Beverly A. Carroll
 Rev. Fr. Fred J. Briers. CR (NBCCC), Ms. Therese Wilson Favors, (NABCA), Very Rev. Glenn D. Parker, CSsR (NBCCC),
Supreme Knight
Fredron DeKarlos Blackmon (KPC), Supreme Lady Geralyn C. Shelvin (KPCLA),
Deacon Paul Richardson  Pres.(NAAACD), Rev. Monsignor Mauricio West, V.G. (NBCCC), Michael Youngblood (NAACYMN),  
Deacon Arthur L. Miller, Pres. NABCA (Ex-officio), Sister Roberta Fulton, SSMN, Pres. NBSC (Ex-officio),
Fr.  Anthony Bozeman, SSJ, Pres. NBCCC (Ex-officio)



The Three Historical Black Catholic Communities of Religious Women:


The Oblate Sisters of Divine Providence, (Baltimore, MD) established in 1829

The Sisters of the Holy Family (New Orleans, LA) established in 1842

The  Franciscan Handmaids of Mary (Savannah, GA) established in 1915

National Black Catholic Congress

Xavier University,

            Institute for Black Catholic Studies