c/o St. Clare Friary
440 West 36th Street New York, N.Y. 10018-6326
Voice: 212.868.1847

Inauguration of President Barack Obama

44th President of the United States

Tuesday January 20, 2009



Statement given by Father Jim Goode, OFM,

to the

National Catholic Register and Catholic News Service

On behalf of the National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life

  Inauguration of President Barack Obama

44th President of the United States

Tuesday January 20, 2009


Question:  Father Goode what is the African American Catholic response to the
election of President Barack Obama?


African American Catholics are very proud, as is the entire African American community throughout the world, at the election of President Barack Obama. He is our brother and first African American President of the United States of America.  The Black community is overflowing with joy and anticipation as President Obama assumes the leadership of this great nation.


President Obama, his wife Michelle and his two daughters will be powerful role models for the African American family, especially for our young men and women.  As President and Mrs. Obama hold up the value of family life it will be a source of pride, encouragement, and hope.


Living out our Catholic faith as African American Catholics, in the days to come we will be praying without ceasing for President Barack Obama.  We will call on God and Mary the Mother of God, to guide his every action, and protect him from all hurt, harm, and danger.  In our daily masses, rosaries, and prayers we will include the intention that: President Barack Obama be directed by the power of the Holy Spirit,  to call for an end to the evil of abortion and all acts of violence, evil, and injustice that destroys the sacredness of life.


President Barack Obama and family congratulations!  May you be blessed by God forever.   “It’s all good because it’s all God.”


The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. (Lamentation 3: 22-23)



The National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life was inaugurated in the fall of 1997, with the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus and the Franciscan Solid Ground Ministry as sponsors and with the support of John Cardinal O'Connor, Archbishop of New York and the Archdiocese's Office of Black Ministry.



NBCAL Board of Consultants


Most Rev. J. Terry Steib, S.V.D., DD Episcopal Advisor,
 Rev. Fr. James E. Goode, OFM, Ph.D President - NBCAL, Dr. Beverly A. Carroll (USCCB: SAAC),
Ms. Martha Carter-Bailey
(NABCA), Rev. Fr. Fred J. Briers. CR (NBCCC), 
Ms. Therese Wilson Favors, (NABCA),   Very Rev. Glenn D. Parker, CSsR (NBCCC),
Supreme Knight Gene A. Phillips, Sr., (KPC), Supreme Lady Geralyn C. Shelvin (KPCLA),
 Deacon Marvin T. Threatt, Ph.D Pres.(NAAACD),
Rev. Monsignor Mauricio West, V.G. (NBCCC),Michael Youngblood (NAACYMN),  
Ms. Kathleen A. Merritt, Pres. NABCA (Ex-officio),
 Sr. Barbara Spears, SNJM, Pres. NBSC (Ex-officio), Deacon Dunn Cumby Pres. NBCCC (Ex-officio)

National Black Catholic Congress

Xavier University,

          Institute for Black Catholic Studies